Gerrish Township (Roscommon, MI)


About the Treasurer's Office

Contact Information


James Anderson


Mary Ellis


Treasurer's Roles and Responsibilities

By statute, the treasurer is required to receive and take charge of all funds belonging to the township or which are required by law to be paid into the township treasury, and to pay over and account for the funds according to law or township board decision. (MCL 41.76)

It is very important that the township treasurer diligently maintains accurate records of all revenue and disbursements, promptly deposits all receipts in the township depository or depositories and invests idle funds with lawful investment vehicles. The treasurer should maintain a uniform system of accounting as promulgated by the state treasurer and should keep accurate accounting for each township fund so that he or she can accurately report on the status of those funds. The treasurer should notify the board if cash balances in any fund become overdrawn or if overdrawing appears imminent. The treasurer must, however, pay out funds on the order of the township board notwithstanding any disagreement concerning the disbursements, provided the disbursement is not clearly a mistake or illegal.

Gerrish Township Treasurer’s Office

Property tax collection is the main function of the Gerrish Township Treasurer’s Office. While the actual taxable values of property are determined in the Assessor’s Office, the tax billings and tax payment collections originate from the Treasurer’s Office. 

All money transactions involving real property and personal property taxes and special assessments are processed through the Treasurer’s Office. 

Questions involving balances, amounts, dates and payment inquiries concerning tax bills and special assessments should be directed to this office.

Building permits, housing inspection fees and business license fees are billed from each of the respective departments and payments are then processed in the Treasurer’s Office.

Payment can be made by cash, check, or money order, payable to Gerrish Township. If you are using a credit or debit card, there is a processing fee to pay with debit or with credit card online.

Payment Information

Summer taxes will contain Roscommon Area Public Schools, County Allocated and State Education Tax millages.

  • Application for the Deferment of Summer Taxes must be filed annually to the Treasurer before September 15th, or before the date your summer taxes are due, whichever is later.

Winter taxes will contain COOR ISD, Kirtland Community College (KCC), County, Roscommon Transit Authority, Roscommon Area Public Library, Township & Special Assessment millages.

Tax Information

Payment Information

Partial tax payments are accepted. All unpaid taxes are turned over to the Roscommon County Treasurer’s Office on March 1st.

For your convenience you can pay your property taxes online. You may pay with a credit card, debit card, or electronic check. (Note there is a 3% fee for debit & credit cards).

You can now view your property tax information online. Create and setup an account to begin viewing your tax information. We recommend bookmarking the page to allow for easy access should you need more information.