Gerrish Township (Roscommon, MI)


Gerrish Township Cemetery

Gerrish Township Cemetery

About the Cemetery

The Gerrish Township Cemetery was established in the 1960’s with the oldest burial dating back to 1961.

Fee Schedules

Purchase of Lots

Resident/Property Owner




Infant Lot - Resident/Property Owner Infant Lot - Non-Resident


Infant Lot - Non-Resident


Purchase of Columbarium Niche, A to L

Non-Resident (any row)


Resident, Row 1


Resident, Row 2


Resident, Row 3


Resident, Row 4


Resident, Row 5


Resident, Row 6


Internment / Dis-internment

April 1 - November 30




Cremains in Lot


Weekend/Holiday/After Hours(4:00PM) additional burial fee


Niche Internment (Includes Lettering Fee & Opening & Closing)

Service and internment, funeral home or clergy presiding


Internment without service


Additional openings and closings w / o Lettering


Weekend/Holiday/ After hours (4:00p.m.) additional burial fee


Lettering Only Fee:


* Lettering only fee

*Lettering includes first name, middle initial, last name and birth and death years.
Niche plates must be ordered from a vendor and comply with Township Ordinances

Resale of cemetery burial space is prohibited. The township will repurchase any cemetery
burial space from the owner upon written request of the owner or their legal heirs or
representatives for the original price paid, less an administrative fee. (For burial spaces purchased after JANUARY 1, 2021, the township will repurchase the cemetery burial space for 50% of its’ original price less an administrative fee).

Administrative Fees

Transfer Fee


Foundation Permits


Fee Schedules


Mary Ann